Fraser Addecott, Bipinchandra Mistry, Jon Kendrick, David Blackman, Jemima Kiss, Chris Baker, Virginia Bridgewater.
Adrian Colley
1 Argus/Newsquest
Members have asked management to recognise the union chapel. Managing Director has acknowledged receipt of the 6% pay claim, although he wouldn't answer it. Several new members have joined at Newsquest. Why aren't they here? Takes a while for new applications to be processed. Fraser leaving the Argus on Thursday 20th!
Brighton and Hove TUC Unemployed Workers Centre have written asking for donations for the Christmas party they run for kids. Last year the branch donated £25; this year the group voted unanimously to donate £50.
Membership applications approved for: four new members admitted.
2 Memos from the NUJ circular
Warning that Newsquest have apparently been asking staff to opt out of working time directive, which limits the amount of hours staff can work each week.
Anniversary of Miners' strike: Staffordshire Miners' Wives Association have requested donations for a plaque. Meeting decided not to donate as it was felt that this was more of a regional issue than a local one.
New legislation on employment rights for lesbian, gay and bi-sexual workers. Leaflets distributed.
Campaign still under way for the BBC to reinstate Adli and Abdulhadi two journalists that were unfairly dismissed.
Hands off Cuba campaign leaflets distributed.
Memo: Jeremy Dear has been re-elected as general secretary and Anita Halpin as treasurer.
3 Christmas party
The group unanimously agreed that £100 was a fair amount to spend on food for the event. They also voted in favour of finding a salsa teacher in favour of a magician, if one could be found for less than £100.
The group decided not to provide a free drink for guests as this would have been too expensive overall.
Nothing else left to sort out. Jemima will buy the food on the 9th and deliver it to the club. Fraser also asked that we buy some balloons and party streamers from that £100 and tie some balloons to the railings outside the club. They have to be red. Music is sorted, so we just have to turn up.
Chris wanted to formally thank Jon Kendrick for his hard work as joint-chairman last year and as chair for the two previous years. Jon added that Fraser had also done much for the branch in the last year.
Bipinchandra said that he had written to Adrian about possible funding for his next Gaza project. This should be dealt with at the next meeting.
Newsquest new leaflets had been produced to inform the public about the fair pay campaign. Recent union research had shown that members of the public estimated a journalist's salary at £25k nearly double the starting salary for junior staff.
Argus journalists are to leaflet the public outside Churchill Square and outside the Dyke Road Argus office on 6 December.
No December meeting.
19 November 2003
17 October 2003
October Annual General Meeting - election of officers
Jon Kendrick, Fraser Addecott, Bipinchandra Mistry, Jemima Kiss, Mark McCall, Barbara Wiseman, Toby Chasseaud, Naomi Phillipson, Rowan Dore, David Blackman, Neil Hamilton, Dominic O'Byrne, Chris Baker, Adrian Colley and AN Other, whose signature could not be worked out.
1 Minutes
The minutes were circulated and accepted. Barbara Wiseman reminded the meeting that she had asked that the branch put forward a motion to ADM mourning the loss of journalists' life in Iraq
2 Officers' reports
Reports passed round a number of head office circulars for members to see.
3 Officer elections
The following officers were elected:
Chairman – Fraser Addecott, secretary has no note of who nominated him but he was seconded by Bipinchandra Mistry
Secretary – Adrian Colley, nominated by Jemima Kiss and seconded by Jon Kendrick
Treasurer - Adrian Colley, nominated by Fraser Addecott
Social secretary – Jemima Kiss, nominated by Jon Kendrick and seconded by Fraser Addecott.
No nominations were made for the post of welfare officer.
4 ADM Motions
The following four motions were submitted for the Annual Delegate Meeting to be held in Liverpool in March:
a) This ADM instructs the NEC to put pressure on the British government to allow the press in Zimbabwe to operate freely from restrictive laws and the fear of violence and intimidation. The union should support practical independent journalism in Zimbabwe by making available such equipment as it requires for it to operate.
Motion proposer – Fraser Addecott. Backed 8-0 with 6 abstentions.
b) This ADM recommends that the Journalist magazine to be redesigned to reflect the dynamics of the NUJ.
Motion proposer – Bipinchandra Mistry. Backed 7-0 with 7 abstentions.
c) This ADM commends the NUJ's campaign for fair pay for colleagues working at Newsquest titles and calls on the NEC to pursue the campaign vigorously and support any colleague employed by Newsquest who is victimised for fighting for better pay and conditions.
Motion proposer – Chris Baker. Backed unanimously.
d) This ADM notes that during the course of the Iraq war 19 of our colleagues have been killed. The Brighton branch calls on members of the union to pay tribute to our colleagues. ADM instructs the NEC that in future conflicts to urge news organisations to do their utmost to ensure the safety of correspondents by establishing rules of engagement for journalists.
Motion proposer – Barbara Wiseman. Backed unanimously.
A fifth motion from Jon Kendrick on the government's use of spin doctors and calling for the adoption of a code of practice for such PR people was voted down 5-4.
5 Chapel reports
Argus FoC Fraser Addecott said that due to the NUJ targeting Newsquest titles, the Brighton paper had several recruits over the past few weeks. He said: 'Things are looking up and we are working at looking for recognition. It's encouraging at the moment.'
6 NEC elections
Fraser Addecott was nominated to stand for election to the union's top council, the National Executive Council, by Jon Kendrick. Seconded by Jemima Kiss.
There were no nominations for posts on any of the union's industrial councils.
7 Christmas Party
Jemima Kiss outlined the plan to have the party at Havana in Regency Square, Brighton, on Wednesday 10 December from 8pm to 2am. She said the venue was free. It would hold 100 people. A variety of suggestions were made as to what entertainment and inducements to attend could be offered. Suggestions included hiring a magician and having mince pies. One new member (the secretary apologises for not having made a note of the member's name) suggested that if a magician was required she was married to one and so she could help the branch.
8 Any other business
Bipinchandra Mistry asked whether the branch could make a donation to the cost of a trip he hoped to undertake to the Middle East to do a story on the effect of conflict on the Gaza Strip on childrens' mental health. Adrian Colley wondered whether the branch should be making donations towards the costs of members carrying out their freelance work and asked for the subject to be discussed in November so that he could check with head office to see if union rules allowed this.
Barbara Wiseman said she felt that was a legalistic way of looking at it and she felt Bipinchandra should be supported. Jon Kendrick wondered if Bipinchandra could look at commercial sponsorship and said there was a grey area between a philanthropic venture and freelance work.
Jon Kendrick, Fraser Addecott, Bipinchandra Mistry, Jemima Kiss, Mark McCall, Barbara Wiseman, Toby Chasseaud, Naomi Phillipson, Rowan Dore, David Blackman, Neil Hamilton, Dominic O'Byrne, Chris Baker, Adrian Colley and AN Other, whose signature could not be worked out.
1 Minutes
The minutes were circulated and accepted. Barbara Wiseman reminded the meeting that she had asked that the branch put forward a motion to ADM mourning the loss of journalists' life in Iraq
2 Officers' reports
Reports passed round a number of head office circulars for members to see.
3 Officer elections
The following officers were elected:
Chairman – Fraser Addecott, secretary has no note of who nominated him but he was seconded by Bipinchandra Mistry
Secretary – Adrian Colley, nominated by Jemima Kiss and seconded by Jon Kendrick
Treasurer - Adrian Colley, nominated by Fraser Addecott
Social secretary – Jemima Kiss, nominated by Jon Kendrick and seconded by Fraser Addecott.
No nominations were made for the post of welfare officer.
4 ADM Motions
The following four motions were submitted for the Annual Delegate Meeting to be held in Liverpool in March:
a) This ADM instructs the NEC to put pressure on the British government to allow the press in Zimbabwe to operate freely from restrictive laws and the fear of violence and intimidation. The union should support practical independent journalism in Zimbabwe by making available such equipment as it requires for it to operate.
Motion proposer – Fraser Addecott. Backed 8-0 with 6 abstentions.
b) This ADM recommends that the Journalist magazine to be redesigned to reflect the dynamics of the NUJ.
Motion proposer – Bipinchandra Mistry. Backed 7-0 with 7 abstentions.
c) This ADM commends the NUJ's campaign for fair pay for colleagues working at Newsquest titles and calls on the NEC to pursue the campaign vigorously and support any colleague employed by Newsquest who is victimised for fighting for better pay and conditions.
Motion proposer – Chris Baker. Backed unanimously.
d) This ADM notes that during the course of the Iraq war 19 of our colleagues have been killed. The Brighton branch calls on members of the union to pay tribute to our colleagues. ADM instructs the NEC that in future conflicts to urge news organisations to do their utmost to ensure the safety of correspondents by establishing rules of engagement for journalists.
Motion proposer – Barbara Wiseman. Backed unanimously.
A fifth motion from Jon Kendrick on the government's use of spin doctors and calling for the adoption of a code of practice for such PR people was voted down 5-4.
5 Chapel reports
Argus FoC Fraser Addecott said that due to the NUJ targeting Newsquest titles, the Brighton paper had several recruits over the past few weeks. He said: 'Things are looking up and we are working at looking for recognition. It's encouraging at the moment.'
6 NEC elections
Fraser Addecott was nominated to stand for election to the union's top council, the National Executive Council, by Jon Kendrick. Seconded by Jemima Kiss.
There were no nominations for posts on any of the union's industrial councils.
7 Christmas Party
Jemima Kiss outlined the plan to have the party at Havana in Regency Square, Brighton, on Wednesday 10 December from 8pm to 2am. She said the venue was free. It would hold 100 people. A variety of suggestions were made as to what entertainment and inducements to attend could be offered. Suggestions included hiring a magician and having mince pies. One new member (the secretary apologises for not having made a note of the member's name) suggested that if a magician was required she was married to one and so she could help the branch.
8 Any other business
Bipinchandra Mistry asked whether the branch could make a donation to the cost of a trip he hoped to undertake to the Middle East to do a story on the effect of conflict on the Gaza Strip on childrens' mental health. Adrian Colley wondered whether the branch should be making donations towards the costs of members carrying out their freelance work and asked for the subject to be discussed in November so that he could check with head office to see if union rules allowed this.
Barbara Wiseman said she felt that was a legalistic way of looking at it and she felt Bipinchandra should be supported. Jon Kendrick wondered if Bipinchandra could look at commercial sponsorship and said there was a grey area between a philanthropic venture and freelance work.
06 August 2003
Tony Benn at the Arts Club
Eighty five people came to hear one of Britain's longest serving MPs speak his mind, now he has been unshackled by the restrictions of the Commons, when he addressed NUJ members and guests at the Sussex Arts Club, Ship Street, Brighton.
It was one of the most successful events every organised by the local branch of NUJ. So many people attended, despite the 4.30 pm start, that a larger room had to be quickly set up at the last minute. Among the audience were former MI5 "whistle-blower" and NUJ member David Shayler and his partner.
Tony Benn, now 78, proved he had lost none of commitment to the socialist cause and if anything had moved further to the left as he approaches his eighties.
The former MP for Bristol South East and Chesterfield, who retired from the Commons at the last general election said "The purpose of being old is to encourage the young. I am engaged in a permanent election campaign with no polling day at the moment. I am a socialist and not a supporter of New Labour."
Mr Benn accused Prime Minister Tony Blair of treating the public with contempt. "I am not a member of New Labour and I don't want to be. I want to see this country run on socialist lines not on a business basis." He attacked the Mr Blair for going to war against Iraq on the flimsiest of evidence and said the way in which the case for Britain going to war had been presented was a fraud.
"The Government is being run by spin doctors who are hand in glove with a few selected members of Lobby journalists based at Westminster. "If a Lobby journalist writes something the Government does not like, they are left out briefings, and then even more briefings if they write about being left out of briefings. This is not the way to run the country. "Luckily the British electorate has a basically high level of intelligence and they are able to see through it. People are not apathetic. The electorate does not like a Government which tells them what they should do"
Mr Benn said he believed the local and regional Press played an important part in any democracy as they were closer to the community. "Any change must come from the bottom up." Mr Benn said the media had been conned over Nelson Mandela while he was in jail in South Africa.
"I remember reading a headline: 'Tony Benn meets well-known terrorist.' The next time I met him he was the President of South Africa and had just won the Nobel Peace Prize" Mr Benn, speaking before the inquiry into the death of David Kelly and the Government's role in beefing up the need to go to war with Iraq said he believed it would prove the Government did hype up its case, "This war was not about weapons of mass destruction it was about Bush and Blair wanting world domination. It was an illegal war and a criminal act against another nation which has done no harm."
He said Tony Blair was running a neo-Conservative Party, but the former Labour cabinet minister whose son Hillary is Home Office minister refused to advocate a vote for any other party. "The only alternative to Blair is a Labour Government. I am working towards the return of a Labour Government which will reclaim the democratic rights of the people of this country."
by Rowan Dore
Photo by Fred Pipes
18 June 2003
June meeting - Tony Benn confirmed to speak in August
Fraser Addecott, David Blackman, Gordon Scott, Rowan Dore, Jon Kendrick, Bipinchandra Mistry, Adrian Colley.
Barbara Wiseman, Chris Baker.
1 Minutes
Bi Mistry said he did not get the June newsletter via email and supplied an up-to-date email address.
Adrian Colley pointed out that the discussion in May on who to invite to speak would be progressed by someone actually coming forward to take on the responsibility of organising speakers and events. He said most of the branch admin was run by one person, himself, and that he did not have time to take on this role. When the branch was first set up he had shared this role with Peter Baker and the role worked well. And while it was fair enough having ideas about who to invite, it was a waste of time if nobody was prepared to take it a step further.
He said money was available to pay for speakers' expenses. After further discussion Bip Mistry and Fraser Addecott agreed to fill the role.
2 New members
Five new members were admitted.
3 Officers' reports
a) A Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom openmeeting on 23 June was publicised: 'Biased news – do we want it here?'
b) CPBF literature on the BBC World Service sacking of NUJ activists was handed out.
c) A circular from Deputy General Secretary election candidate Chris Youett was circulated.
d) Members signed a petition from London freelance branch asking the government to stop the deportation to Kosovo of NUJ member Besim Gerguir and his wife Luljeta.
e) Sussex Action for Peace's hosting of George Galloway at a meeting last month was publicised, topic: 'War, propaganda, lies and dissent'.
f) Circulars handed out on TUC migrant workers' rights conference and a 'Save Our Party' socialist conference.
Treasurer Adrian Colley said we had £1,018.92 in the bank.
4 Chapel reports
Argus FoC Fraser Addecott said that at a recent Newsquest chapel meeting in Manchester that the NUJ nationally were looking to take on an organiser purely to deal with Newsquest titles. Newsquest's pay rise for the year was 2% throughout the country and there will be a national campaign next year on pay at Newsquest titles.
5 Any other business
Tony Benn: Fraser Addecott said Tony Benn had agreed to speak to the branch at 4.30pm in Brighton on 6 August, prior to another engagement in the city. He said the timing would allow for a speech and for him to take questions and answers from members. He said he hoped Brighton and Mid Sussex members would make a special effort to attend, despite the mid-afternoon start.
He said he would like to contact all members to gauge the possible turnout we could expect and said he would investigate the possibility of staging it at the Arts Club.
Rowan Dore suggested that members' partners and other trade unions like the firefighters, Unison and GMB be invited to attend.
Fraser Addecott, David Blackman, Gordon Scott, Rowan Dore, Jon Kendrick, Bipinchandra Mistry, Adrian Colley.
Barbara Wiseman, Chris Baker.
1 Minutes
Bi Mistry said he did not get the June newsletter via email and supplied an up-to-date email address.
Adrian Colley pointed out that the discussion in May on who to invite to speak would be progressed by someone actually coming forward to take on the responsibility of organising speakers and events. He said most of the branch admin was run by one person, himself, and that he did not have time to take on this role. When the branch was first set up he had shared this role with Peter Baker and the role worked well. And while it was fair enough having ideas about who to invite, it was a waste of time if nobody was prepared to take it a step further.
He said money was available to pay for speakers' expenses. After further discussion Bip Mistry and Fraser Addecott agreed to fill the role.
2 New members
Five new members were admitted.
3 Officers' reports
a) A Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom openmeeting on 23 June was publicised: 'Biased news – do we want it here?'
b) CPBF literature on the BBC World Service sacking of NUJ activists was handed out.
c) A circular from Deputy General Secretary election candidate Chris Youett was circulated.
d) Members signed a petition from London freelance branch asking the government to stop the deportation to Kosovo of NUJ member Besim Gerguir and his wife Luljeta.
e) Sussex Action for Peace's hosting of George Galloway at a meeting last month was publicised, topic: 'War, propaganda, lies and dissent'.
f) Circulars handed out on TUC migrant workers' rights conference and a 'Save Our Party' socialist conference.
Treasurer Adrian Colley said we had £1,018.92 in the bank.
4 Chapel reports
Argus FoC Fraser Addecott said that at a recent Newsquest chapel meeting in Manchester that the NUJ nationally were looking to take on an organiser purely to deal with Newsquest titles. Newsquest's pay rise for the year was 2% throughout the country and there will be a national campaign next year on pay at Newsquest titles.
5 Any other business
Tony Benn: Fraser Addecott said Tony Benn had agreed to speak to the branch at 4.30pm in Brighton on 6 August, prior to another engagement in the city. He said the timing would allow for a speech and for him to take questions and answers from members. He said he hoped Brighton and Mid Sussex members would make a special effort to attend, despite the mid-afternoon start.
He said he would like to contact all members to gauge the possible turnout we could expect and said he would investigate the possibility of staging it at the Arts Club.
Rowan Dore suggested that members' partners and other trade unions like the firefighters, Unison and GMB be invited to attend.
01 June 2003
A brief history of NUJ Brighton
Brighton & Mid-Sussex Branch was revived early in 1998 after a period of years during which it had been dormant. NUJ members in the area reactivated the branch because they wanted a forum which would provide them with support locally and where they could exchange information and ideas.
The branch has held well attended monthly meetings with a range of speakers including former Fleet Street editor and broadcaster Derek Jameson, cartoonist Steve Bell and Journalist of the Year Nick Davies.
The branch currently has more than 220 members, ranging in experience from students through to life members who have been in the NUJ for decades. All the skills encompassed by the NUJ are represented, including: illustrators; photographers; writers and production editors for books, and for trade and consumer press; radio and TV broadcasters; public relations officers; and workers in new media. The majority of members are freelance (check out our Directory), although the largest NUJ chapel in the area is at the main local paper, the Argus.
The branch has held well attended monthly meetings with a range of speakers including former Fleet Street editor and broadcaster Derek Jameson, cartoonist Steve Bell and Journalist of the Year Nick Davies.
The branch currently has more than 220 members, ranging in experience from students through to life members who have been in the NUJ for decades. All the skills encompassed by the NUJ are represented, including: illustrators; photographers; writers and production editors for books, and for trade and consumer press; radio and TV broadcasters; public relations officers; and workers in new media. The majority of members are freelance (check out our Directory), although the largest NUJ chapel in the area is at the main local paper, the Argus.
01 May 2003
Steve Whitehead
Journalist with extensive provincial newspaper, local government and trade union experience, currently working part-time on press and media work for Brighton and Hove Montessori School as it moves into the state sector. Interests include the arts and rural issues.
Email: steve.whitehead@unisonfree.net
Email: steve.whitehead@unisonfree.net
Barrie Welford
Freelance photojournalist trading as Benenden Information Services.
I am fully equipped with the latest Nikon D10 digital camera and digital photo scanning and transfer equipment. I am a full member of the NUJ and hold an international press pass.
6 Benenden Close, Seaford, East Sussex BN25 3PG
Tel: 07808 057114
Fax: 01323 899943
Email: benendeninfo @aol.com
Website: http://www.benendeninfo.co.uk
I am fully equipped with the latest Nikon D10 digital camera and digital photo scanning and transfer equipment. I am a full member of the NUJ and hold an international press pass.
6 Benenden Close, Seaford, East Sussex BN25 3PG
Tel: 07808 057114
Fax: 01323 899943
Email: benendeninfo @aol.com
Website: http://www.benendeninfo.co.uk
Scott Ramsey
Digital press and PR photographer.
Tel: 01903 774881
Mobile: 07717 134449
Email: pictures@scottramsey.co.uk
Website and online image library: http://www.scottramsey.co.uk"
Tel: 01903 774881
Mobile: 07717 134449
Email: pictures@scottramsey.co.uk
Website and online image library: http://www.scottramsey.co.uk"
Alan (Fred) Pipes
Freelance writer, editor, illustrator and web designer, specialising in computers, design and technology. Has worked for Channel 4, Discovery Channel, and BSS.
Tel: 01273 697962
Email: info@fred-pipes.com
Website: http://www.fred-pipes.com
Tel: 01273 697962
Email: info@fred-pipes.com
Website: http://www.fred-pipes.com
Mark Dimmock
Freelance photographer for news, features, publicity & PR.
Burwood, Southfields Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 1BZ
Tel: 01323 410592
Mobile: 077889 775078
Email: markd@dimfoto.freeserve.co.uk
Burwood, Southfields Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 1BZ
Tel: 01323 410592
Mobile: 077889 775078
Email: markd@dimfoto.freeserve.co.uk
Adrian Colley
Teletext night duty editor. Branch secretary and treasurer.
Tel: 01273 571762
Email: adecolley@1927club.com
Tel: 01273 571762
Email: adecolley@1927club.com
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