23 April 2012

Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, April 18

At its 2012 AGM Brighton & Mid-Sussex branch was lucky enough to have general secretary Michelle Stanistreet speaking on The Leveson Inquiry – what does it mean for journalists.

Michelle talked about the impact the NUJ is having on the inquiry, provoking an interesting discussion the role the union can take in promoting ethical journalism and in defending journalists from the pressures they are put under by ruthless, bullying newspaper managements.

The conclusions are clear: journalism needs the NUJ Code of Conduct, and journalists need the NUJ, organised into strong chapels.

In the business part of the meeting, following reports on branch activity over the past year, the following were elected as officers:

Chair – Adam Powley
Secretary – Phil Mellows
Treasurer – Amy Riley
Trades Council delegates – Phil Mellows and Ollie Wilson
In addition, Adam Oxford will take a temporary ad-hoc role in updating the branch membership list and improving communications.

Following a request through Brighton & Hove Trades Council the branch agreed to make a £25 donation to towards the campaign against the racist March for England.

The next full branch meeting will take place on Wednesday May 23, 7.30pm (venue tbc).
Main item on the agenda will be branch motions for the NUJ Delegates Meeting in September.
If you have a motion please send it to nujbrighton@gmail.com by May 23.

17 April 2012

AGM Agenda

Brighton & Mid-Sussex NUJ
Wednesday, April 18


The Leveson Inquiry – what does it mean for journalists?
Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ general secretary



New Members

Secretary’s Report
Phil Mellows, acting branch secretary

Treasurer’s Report
Phil Mellows

Branch Elections
Other roles – membership, social media etc



Next Branch Meeting

Must be before June 1 for motions to Delegates Meeting

Next Committee Meeting

Announcements / Any Other Business

11 April 2012

Next meeting: Michelle Stanistreet on Leveson + AGM

We would like to invite you to our next Brighton & Mid-Sussex NUJ branch meeting and Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 18 April 2012 at the Iron Duke pub, 7.30pm-9pm.

NUJ General Secretary Michelle Stanistreet will be speaking on 'Leveson - what does it mean for journalists' from 7.30-8.30pm with time for questions.

We will then have a brief business meeting and AGM from 8.30-9pm, followed by drinks and socialising.

The AGM will include a chance for any interested members to join the branch committee and help shape future meetings and activities. Any questions, please contact nujbrighton@gmail.com

Iron Duke, 3 Waterloo Street, Brighton and Hove, Hove, East Sussex BN3 1AQ. The pub has disabled access. www.irondukebrighton.co.uk

Read Michelle Stanistreet’s statement to the Leveson Inquiry http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/nov/16/michelle-stanistreet-leveson-inquiry

Follow her on Twitter: @NUJ_Michelle