20 October 2004

October Annual General Meeting - election of officers


Virginia Bridgewater, Adrian Colley, Jemima Kiss, Mike O'Flynn, Claire Rigby, Damien Barr
Fraser Addecott, Steve Whitehead

1 Minutes
Minutes of the September meeting were accepted.

2 New members
Several new members were admitted to the branch.

3 Election of officials
Chair – Jemima Kiss elected, proposed by Virginia Bridgewater, seconded by Adrian Colley.

Treasurer – Adrian Colley elected, proposed by Claire Rigby, seconded by Jemima Kiss.

Secretary – Adrian Colley elected, proposed by Claire Rigby, seconded by Virginia Bridgewater.

Welfare Officer – Virginia Bridgewater, proposed Jemima Kiss, seconded by Adrian Colley.

4 Correspondence
Copies of Searchlight and Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom pamphlets were handed out.

5 Officers' reports
Treasurer Adrian Colley reported that we had £1,265.10 in the bank.

6 Chapel reports
Argus: Virginia Bridgewater said Argus journalists, who won union recognition in the summer, had submitted a 6% pay claim to their bosses. The recent departure of Simon Bradshaw as Argus editor had not been universally welcomed in the office and management had threatened staff if they wrote to the UK Press Gazette. Sales of the Argus have slipped since the relaunch.

7 ADM motions
There were no motions to be submitted to next year's Annual Delegate Meeting in April.

8 NEC nominations
There were no nominations to stand for election as South East representative on the NUJ's National Executive Committee.

9 Christmas Party
Ideas for the form and venue of this year's party were canvassed. Claire Rigby suggested the Cricketers' pub in Brighton. Damien Barr suggested a Thursday night as the best night of the week on which to hold it and that 2 December would be the pick of the December Thursdays. And the Tzar Bar on Brighton seafront was also suggested. The idea of a possible joint party with Evening Argus was floated. The meeting agreed that Adrian Colley could research and, if necessary, book a venue for the event.

10 Any other business
Adrian Colley mentioned that former chairman Jon Kendrick had been murdered a week earlier. The meeting agreed to his suggestion that if the funeral was held and he was able to attend, that the branch would underwrite the cost of a wreath.

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