On Sunday morning I asked conference to remember Rowan Dore - one of our most committed, experienced members and a much-admired friend to many of us.
Picture by Dave Rotchelle of the London Freelance Branch.
The chapel is trying to organise as much support as possible, so if you are anywhere nearby do go along...
In view of the fact that so many members have left the Post and Press in the last few months, NUJ Bristol Branch are putting on a special one-hour session about freelance working.
Everyone's welcome. Whether you've been freelance for years, months or just days, or even if you're not freelance but think one day you might be, do come along - the NUJ can do a lot to help you, and this will be a useful info session to get started!
If you know of colleagues who have recently left and might not yet be connected to this list from home, please be kind, spread the word and let them know. Thanks!
Thinking of going freelance?
Not sure of the ins and outs – how to set up in business, how to get contacts, what to do next?
NUJ Bristol Branch are holding a one-hour session to get you started. We will take a look at a few key matters across all sectors: where to get information, how to register for tax, how to build a client base, suggestions for marketing yourself, and the outlook for freelancing in the industry now.
We’ll also be joined by some experienced freelances who will be able to explain what they do and how, and answer questions.
There’s a nice bar and everyone’s welcome to stay and chat for as long as it’s open. So do come on down to Halo on Wednesday and see what the NUJ can do for you as a freelance in a tough world.
Bristol Branch NUJ
10-12 Picton Street
0117 944 6219
mobile 07786 952037
Apologies for some of the jargon in this but I've cut and pasted it from an email I've been sent:
You are invited to the MediaGuardian Changing Media Summit 2006, taking place in London on Monday March 27 2006.
If you are concerned about: How will media work in the era of mass-personalisation and the audience-of-one? How can media owners and advertisers adapt and survive to thrive in this new world? How can my organisation benefit from the promise of device convergence? What, if any, are the opportunities for my organisation in social media?...then the MediaGuardian Changing Media Summit is the place to let you hear from a highly influential range of speakers, to get the latest thinking on these, and many more, business-critical issues.
The media world is changing: Circulations ad revenues and audiences are down.Young consumers are texting, listening to their MP3 player, checking their email online: traditional media no longer has their attention.
Meanwhile the man on the street is breaking news with his mobile-phone before any reporter can reach the scene.Savvy media professionals are now looking to adjust their business strategies accordingly. MediaGuardian has leveraged its acknowledged expertise and respected editorial voice to develop a one-day event, the MediaGuardian Changing Media Summit, that asks the key questions:
How do you leverage the impact of user-generated media? What's next after the ad-based revenue model? How do you market to the no logo generation? What is the impact of social media?
Join leading media owners, advertisers, academics and commentators for a meeting of minds and thrash out how your business can turn new paradigms and new platforms into truly lucrative revenue streams. This timely event will consider and debate the strategic challenges for media owners and advertisers in dealing with the new world.