29 September 2006

Free Press

Copies of the Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom's mag - Free Press - can be put in the post if you want one.

July/August edition features Tony Benn on whistleblowers and items on the Official Secrets Act and the government's proposed changes to the Freedom of Information Act.

28 September 2006

NUJ lawyers' emergency number

Your legal rights guidance, if you're nicked by the police or if they ask to interview you - Call Thompsons emergency 24-hour number is 0800 587 7530.

27 September 2006

Annual Delegate Meeting motions

Next year's ADM is in Birmingham's Holiday Inn from April 12-15.

If you want the branch to put forward a motion to be debated by the meeting then this is your chance. The deadline for us to submit motions is November 24. That means we have this month's meeting, and next month's, to come up with something.

If you have anything in mind, please write it down and bring a copy to the October meeting so we can debate it. In the past a couple of our ideas were thrown out because they were ambiguous, so the simpler and more concise the better.

The ADM preliminary agenda is out just before Christmas. We can then submit amendments to motions, if we want. The final agenda will be out on March 5.

26 September 2006


September edition of anti-fascist mag available. Email nujbrighton@gmail.com with your address and I can put it in the post.

Feature on halting the rise of the BNP. A supplement commemorates the Spanish Civil War and the Battle of Cable Street.