14 December 2007
Christmas party
It starts at 7.30pm and we're putting £300 behind the bar, perfect for some festive cheer after the hell of late-night shopping at Churchill Square.
Non-NUJ members are welcome, although we will ask them to donate a quid or two to NUJ Extra, the NUJ charity for journalists and their families who need help through tough times, http://www.nujextra.org.uk/.
If you get lost on the night give me a call on 07939 258 172.
28 November 2007
Booze vouchers
Christmas as funds continue to come our way and you can celebrate Yuletide with a partial return on your subs by wetting your whistle. Just send me the photos eh?
Anyway, last month we received our quarterly swag from HQ. The sum of 447.18. So we now have 2,911.46 in our account.
We spent 108.50. I can't remember what on but I think I wrote three cheques - for 50 quid, 36 quid and 22.50.
Despite phoning Unity Bank in early October and requesting a change of signature form for the new treasurer, Nicola, this has not turned up at my previous address in Brighton, my mum's, or Kyiv. Hence this posting.
So could some call Unity Bank 0845 1177766 to try to resolve issues resulting from me moving over here? I did my best but they just haven't done what I asked. I could phone from Kyiv but it'll cost me something like 500 zonks.
Am emailing this post to Nicky Tann for info.
27 November 2007
Searchlight affiliation
In the letter I have got here it says: "The BNP's vote remains worryingly high and we cannot be complacent. We already working towards next year's elections. We must all address the underlying causes that make people vote BNP."
22 November 2007
November Podcast Available
Let me know if it works.
20 November 2007
A Charter for Women Conference
Anarchist films and documentaries
14 November 2007
Office to share
I have a serviced office in the Brighton Business Centre (95 Ditchling Rd) that I am looking to share the use of. You will be the sole occupier on Sundays, Mondays and Fridays. It is also free on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings until 1pm.
The office is a fantastic space: high ceiling, large arched window, view towards Brighton Station and newly refurbished. The size is 3 metres x 3 metres. It is in a very quiet part of the building with a counsellor and solicitor in next door rooms so you will need to have a quiet activity! I am a dyslexia teacher so they'll be a few alphabet/phonic posters around.
The Brighton Business Centre is the large building that looks like an old church - it's Grade 2 listed so is rather special.
If you think this could work for you please email hilsofbrighton@btopenworld.com. Thanks.
08 November 2007
Facebook - NUJ Brighton
25 October 2007
Lunchtime meet - of interest to NUJ members?
17 October 2007
Dates for your diary
The Centre for Democratic Policy-making, Red Pepper, and Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom will be hosting 'Democracy and the role of the independent media' with speakers including Hilary Wainwright, Red Pepper and Chris Morley, Northern and Midlands NUJ organiser. Staring 7pm on Wednesday October 24 at Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester. For more details contact Hilary Wainwright, hilary1@manc.org.
NUJ Training 2008
Standing Up for Freelance Journalism
As part of the Stand up for Journalism events on November 5, the Freelance Office will launch a petition at Headland House between 12.30pm and 2pm. The campaign will apply to all freelance journalists who work for any part of the BBC in any capacity.
All freelances are invited to attend. Lunch will be provided. To book please email freelanceoffice@nuj.org.uk
08 October 2007
AGM minutes
Present: Adrian Colley, Adam Juniper, Cath Quinn, Su Quinn, Nic Tann, Harriet Meyer, Fred Pipes, Eamonn Davoren, David Blackman, Elaine Fairweather, Matt Long, Greg Hadfield (apologies if I've forgotten anyone)
1. Minute's silence for Barbara Wiseman
2. New members Raychel Harvey-Jones, Paul Farley, Jessica Bauldry, Simon Milham, Stephanie Jones were accepted
3. Election of officers:
Adam Juniper - chair
Su Quinn - welfare officer
Nic Tann - treasurer
Cath Quinn - co-secretary
Rachael Glazier - co-secretary
4. Agreed to continue affiliation to Justice for Columbia (£50)
5. Nominations for National Exec. Will wait until next meeting as deadline is November 26
6. Nominations for industrial council. Adam interested in new media before, Rachael to find out info
7. Nominations for elected bodies at annual delegate meeting. David Blackman interested in more info on disabled members' council, Rachael to forward info
8. Agreed to donate £50 to New Popular Weekly, paper of OPZZ trade union (Poland)
9. Discussed Nov 5. Elaine expressed interest in attending the NUJ's lobby of the Society of Editors meeting in Manchester on November 5. The branch discussed trying to recruit new members on this day, perhaps at Lewes. The officers will discuss details, any ideas welcomed
10. Christmas party dates discussed. Rachael suggested choosing a Thursday this year. Need to find a pub with disabled access. Discuss again at next meeting
11. Any other business: Elaine mentioned issues with the NUJ freelance office not being well-informed in journalism issues and changing of payment terms at Daily Mail. Rachael to write to freelance office to discuss this
12. Present given to outgoing secretary Adrian Colley as thanks for all his hard work over the years
29 September 2007
FAO City College students
Keep an eye on this site for local events. Don't forget you are all invited to the Christmas party. Not sure when that is but come along whether you join the branch or not - it's a chance to talk to local journos and a good night out.
One message I really wanted to get over (and forgot to mention) was "please read your contract when you get a job". In my experience hardly anyone does and it can make a big difference and save a lot of time if you do this.
28 September 2007
Thank you
I shall be following Sussex events closely from my new home in Kyiv and wish everyone the very best. Good luck, the branch is in good hands and keep the faith.
26 September 2007
Today's agenda
Minute's silence for branch Barbara Wiseman, 96, who died last month.
1 Apologies
2 New members - Raychel Harvey-Jones, Paul Farley, Jessica Bauldry, Simon Milham, Stephanie Jones.
3 Election of officers.
i) Chair
ii) Secretary
iii) Treasurer
iv) Welfare officer
4 Correspondence - copies of Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom mag available. Plea for donation to New Popular Weekly, paper of OPZZ trade union with 800,000 members. At risk of closure, facing right-wing government.
5 Affiliation to Justice for Colombia. We have been affiliated to this organisation which helps trade unionists in Colombia who run the gauntlet of death squads and
intimidation in the course of their duties
6 Nominations for National Executive Council. Anyone want to serve on the union's most powerful body. We can nominate for the regional seat - SE England, which has three reps, or for industrial sectors where we have members - eg book, magazines, broadcasting, freelance, new media. We have up until November 26 to make nominations.
7 Nominations for industrial councils - there are currently seats to fill on ethics council, freelance industrial council, new media IC, magazine and book IC and newspapers and agencies IC. If you want to stand we can nominate you today!
Annual Delegate Meeting-elected bodies - eg ethics council, equality council, journalist editorial board, women's TUC delegation, disabled members' council
committee of British national pensioners' convention, TUC delegations. We have until November 26 to make nominations. Please consider if you would like to serve on one of the union's decision/policy-forming bodies.
8 November 5th - Stand Up for Journalism day. What do we want to do?
9 Christmas party. What dates are preferred? Where shall we hold it?
10 Any other business
25 September 2007
Accounts for year ending September 30, 2007
This year we spent £1,350.57 and received £1,709.26. So we are in a healthy position in that we have twice as much money in the bank as we have spent in the last year. As a comparison, in the 12 months up to September 30, 2006 we spent £1,166.15 and received £1,821.40.
In the last year I wrote 16 cheques, itemised below. Branch running costs have been about 40% of expenditure and party costs have been around the same! The only unpaid bill is a cheque soon to be written to Rachael Glazier for costs she has incurred in the past few months and for which she has not yet made a claim.
Cheques paid out:
JFC affiliation - £50
Searchlight - £50
AGM costs of newsletter printing, after-meeting drinks, taxi for Barbara Wisemen - £42
AGM room hire - £34
Jemima Kiss for hire of web domain - £6.78
Deposit for Xmas party room hire - £40
Stamps - £115
Xmas party drinks bill - £202.40
CPBF subs - £25
Sundry items - envelopes, printing, wine for guest speaker - A Colley £20
500 stamps - £123.90
Wine for Andrew Crofts - £13.99
Rachael Glazier - £45
Adrian Colley - £440. Includes cost of food and drink for barbecue (£), drinks bill at Bedford Tavern (£159.40) and donation to NUJ Extra charity (£120). For convenience I paid NUJ Extra the
money raised from the raffle and then wrote myself a cheque for the barbie/drinks bill and charity payment.
500 stamps - £120
Photocopying - £22.50 - paid to R Glazier
Total £1,350.57
Stamps £358.90
Room hire - £34
Web costs - £6.78
Other costs - photocopying, envelopes, taxi for member from AGM, presents for speakers - £143.49
Xmas party £242.40
Summer barbie £160
Night in pub at postponed barbie - cost of drinks. £159.40
Justice for Colombia - £50
Trade Union Friends of Searchlight - £50
Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom - £50
Income from HQ - £1,709.26
INCOME = 1,709.26
Four quarterly payments - £414.08; £402.10; £435.77; £457.31
24 September 2007
2007 annual meeting
Joint secretary Adrian Colley is stepping down so the branch is likely to need new blood to help run affairs.
Please think about whether you can lend a hand. Last year I said helpers had to come forward or the branch would fold. As it turned the ultimatum worked and we have had three well-attended social events (Xmas party; barbie and Bedford Tavern drinking session) and several good speaker - Andrew Crofts, Joanne Mallon and Anthony Rowlinson come to mind - as a result.
Contact us if you need details on how to get there!
Simpson speaks
It takes an upbeat view of the globe's troubles. Tickets are £13.
23 September 2007
Tunney's triumph
It tells the story of how the Labour party transformed its relationship with the national press, allowing the emergence of New Labour.
It covers the party's overall development from the days of Harold Wilson, through its flirtation with Daily Mirror tycoon and thief Robert Maxwell to the approach of Tony Blair.
Sean is a lecturer at Roehampton College in London and has worked on the FT and on local newspapers in Crawley. It's published by Sussex Academic Press - call 01524 68765 for a copy. £40 hardback, £15 softback. Sean says it's so far selling better in the US than in the UK.
22 September 2007
Get involved!
NUJ Extra (the union charity)
Disabled Members' Council
Standing Orders Committee
Committee of British National Pensioners' Convention
Equality Council
Journalist Editorial Advisory Board
Women's TUC delegation
TUC delegation
All the above are elected by a vote of delegates at next year's ADM in Belfast. If you want to be nominated by the branch then put your name forward and the branch can forward your candidacy. We can do this at this month's or next month's meeting.
21 September 2007
Justice for Colombia
20 September 2007
CPBF magazines
19 September 2007
More training
Too many to list but several are in London or Bedford. Accommodation, travel and meals are paid for by the trust.
Sample courses include dealing with bullying and harassment; pensions; courses for reps, building self esteem and assertiveness; public speaking; green issues; health and safety.
I repeat, these courses are FREE. So well worth a look. Booklet's available at Wednesday's meeting.
10 September 2007
ADM important dates
Deadlines are
November 26 for motions the branch might want to propose
February 1 for close of amendments/confirmation of motions/nominations of delegates
March 14 for close of online registration of delegates.
09 September 2007
Searchlight magazine
Guaranteed to bring a tear to the rheumy eye of ex-pun/reggae/ska aficionados.
04 September 2007
Union rep courses in Sussex
Stepping up the Advanced course for Union Reps 10 days (10 x Wed 26th Sept to 5th Dec 2007)
Union Reps - stage 1. 10 days (10 x Fri 28th Sept to 7th Dec 2007)
Health and Safety - stage 1. 10 days (10 x Tues 25th Sept to 4th Dec 2007)
Next steps for Safety Reps. 10 days (10 x Thurs 27th Sept to 6th Dec 2007)
Union Learning Reps ‘Certificate’ courses:
ULR Module (Information Advice & Guidance) - 3 days (17th, 18th & 21st Sept ‘07)
Union Learning Reps - 5 days (5 x Mon 24th Sep to 29th Oct 2007)
ULR Module (Skills for Life) - 3 days (Mon 5th, 12th & 19th Nov 2007)
ULR Module (Working with Employers) - 3 days (Mon 26thNov,3rd&10thDec2007)
ULR Module (Information Advice & Guidance) - 3 days (17 - 19th Dec 2007)
Short ‘Award’ Courses
Tackling Work-related Stress - 3 days (10th – 12th Dec 2007)
Tackling Bullying at Work - 3 days (12th – 14th Dec 2007)
Grievance & Disciplinary - 3 days (17–19 Dec 2007)
1 year ‘Diploma’ courses
Certificate in Occupational Health & Safety - 1 year (36 x Wed 19th Sept 2007 to 9th Jul 2008)
Certificate in Employment Law - 1 year (36 x Thur 20th Sept 2007 to10th Jul 2008)
These are informal gatherings to get informed, exchange ideas and most importantly exchange contact details.
Union Reps Networking Event - Monday 22 Oct 2007 (11am to 2pm)
Health and Safety Reps Networking Event Thursday 8 Nov 2007 (2pm to 5pm)
Union Learning Reps Networking Event Thursday 18th Oct 2007 (9.30am to 12.30pm)
Don’t’ forget - if you have 14 Reps to train – their tutors can come to you! Visit the own website at; http://www.sussexdowns.ac.uk/unionlearn/
Not able to get to a classroom? Why not register for an ‘online’ unionlearn course?
Visit the national unionlearn website at; http://www.unionlearn.org.uk/courses/index.cfm
29 August 2007
Barbara Wiseman - 'What a woman'
Family and friends came from afar to pay their last respects and swap stories about a singular stalwart of the British Communist Party. For those who don't know, for most of her life Barbara was a leading light in this country's Communist party.
The 45-minute tribute at the Downs Crematorium was almost a social history of UK communism as several speakers remembered Barbara, who died on August 16 at the age of 96. They gave a snapshot of a different era and also provided ample evidence of Barbara's burning passion, unswerving commitment and energy, which despite the encumbrances of age were evident whenever she came along to NUJ meetings.
Always a clear, precise and eloquent speaker, Barbara's NUJ contributions were built upon a career of activism. Speakers recalled events from 60 years - one comrade remembered cycling
to Croydon with Barbara in the 1950s armed with a podium and a loudhailer. She sold the Daily Worker while Barbara used the loudhailer to spread the message. This, in the days when a communist meeting in Kingston could attract an attendance of 1,000. Another friend told the gathering - "I used to tell a friend the stories about her and though she'd never met Barbara, she commented 'What a woman'.
Others paid tribute to Barbara's ability to motivate, advise and listen. Age hardly seemed to wither her. Ten years ago, she travelled to an international communist convention in Cuba - she was one of the branch's first speakers back in 1998 when she recounted her experiences from this trip to the Caribbean.
Even at the age of 95 her strength was undimmed. Eighteen months ago, Barbara travelled to Kenya and then to Australia and New Zealand. Only two years ago, we were told, her failing eyesight meant she could not write, so she dictated the first 50,000 words of a novel to a friend!
To end, many of her former colleagues trooped out of the Crematorium with their right fists raised as the communists' anthem - The Internationale - was played on the PA.
Barbara would have enjoyed that!
21 August 2007
Support for asylum seeker member
Please support him by signing a petition to urge the Home Secretary to allow him to remain. Click on the title to sign.
13 August 2007
Online petition
Please sign the petition and urge non-members to do the same. It is our chance to send a loud and clear message to all media owners about the importance we as professionals attach to having the necessary resources - staff, terms and conditions, budgets - to enable us to produce quality media.
Click here to sign: www.ipetitions.com/petition/standupforjournalism
Discuss your sector issues online
A Stand Up for Journalism discussion board has been set up for members to debate the issues which are affecting them. You can share ideas and inspiration for the day and debate ways to protect journalism for the future.
Join the board at www.standupforjournalism.org.uk
Contact your MP
Email your MP here and ask them to sign Early Day Motion 1994. Check if your MP has signed by visiting http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.aspx?EDMID=33860&SESSION=885.
There are also postcards available to send to your MP. These can be requested from campaigns@nuj.org.uk
06 August 2007
The fight for pensions continues
As part of a renewed campaign to defend occupational pensions and to expose the current state of pension provision in the industry in the run up to the union-wide day of action on 5 November (Stand Up for Journalism) the NUJ has launched a new survey.
Please take a few minutes to fill it in - the results will help inform the union's workplace pensions campaigning over the coming months. Click on the title link to take the survey.
03 August 2007
Reuters/Thompson merger
The EDM calls on the merged company to honour its commitments to the pension schemes and to maintain the integrity and independence of the company's news output.
Email your MP to sign up to EDM 1912 at www.writetothem.com.
24 July 2007
Newsquest action
06 July 2007
Charity jackpot
Forgot to take my camera along so there are no pix. Lots of people won prizes and I hope some of you are happy with them and apologies to the person who entered hoping for a crate-full of booze but who ended up with the guidebook to Birmingham. All the good prizes were down to Rachael's efforts - all the bad ones down to me, if you're looking for a scapegoat!
Looks like the barbie will be rearranged for one of the last three days in August. Don't forget the meeting later this month, with speaker Formula 1 expert Anthony Rowlinson.
05 July 2007
Wet weather plan
The pub is the Bedford Tavern on Western Street, almost opposite Embassy Court and very close to the Peace Statue. Once there we will drink, chat and, eventually, send some poor sod out into the rain to cook all the food.
If the weather is okay then the plan is still to meet at the groyne to the east of the Meeting Place cafe (near the Peace Statue) today, Thursday July 5, about 7ish.
Free booze, food and a brilliant raffle with more prizes than you can shake a stick of rock at. We look forward to seeing you all. Non-members are welcome too.
If anyone gets lost on the day please give Rachael a call on 07939 258 172 or Adrian on 07944 566 728.
03 July 2007
Beach Barbie
We'll have a short meeting first followed by sossie rolls and drinks after. Don't forget to buy some raffle tickets - all for charidee - as we have some brilliant and some not-quite-as-brilliant prizes up for grabs.
25 June 2007
Book it!
First up is Nobody Told Us We Are Defeated by ex-Argus journo Rory McCarthy - stories of ordinary people in the aftermath of the Iraq war. Bloody excellent
Second is Young Stalin by Simon Sebag Montefiore. 'Rip-roaring' barely does it justice. It's like the best thriller I've ever read. Bloody brilliant.
Third up is the NUJ Centenary Book, which I haven't read yet. You can borrow it, or buy it for a tenner direct from HQ.
21 June 2007
Space wanted
Contact Naomi Marks at naomi_marks@yahoo.co.uk
13 June 2007
Bordeaux-ed of work? Drink this then
Tony Benn back in the Frontline
The world is changing fast, with new media springing up and the old ones rushing to keep up. Journalists are driven harder to keep their publications going, often for less reward. The union has a vital role to play but what approach should it take?
This and other key questions about the role of the NUJ will be addressed at a lively discussion led by the panel.
The event will double as the London launch of the union's acclaimed history book - JOURNALISTS: 100 years of the NUJ - by Tim Gopsill, editor of the Journalist, and Greg Neale, former Father of the NUJ Chapel at the Times and the founding editor of BBC History magazine. Published by Profile Books at £17.99, it will be on sale at the special price of £10.
The debate is at 7.30 pm on Friday June 15 at the Frontline Club, Paddington. Admission £7.00. The Club is at 13 Norfolk Place, two minutes from Paddington station. Walk up Praed Street towards Edgware Road and Norfolk Place is second on the right.
Places are limited so please book in advance. Go to www.frontlineclub.com
11 June 2007
Desperately seeking staff (freelance)
Ilex is part of the Ivy Group, and produces illustrated books on everything from Digital Photography to Erotic Comics (no, really) - the work is akin to working through magazine spreads, though there tend to be more of them.
05 June 2007
Wow wow wow
Two day passes for Senspa at Careys Manor Hotel in Brockenhurst, Hampshire. Winners will be able to relax and use the facilities all day at this New Forest spa and a delicious spa lunch is included, as is a mind and body class. The spa has six thermal rooms, experience showers and swimming pool. Visit www.senspa.com for more information.
A session at the Aveda concept salon Mowgli. Tucked away in Primrose Hill, London, Mowgli is offering an Organic Express treatment which involves a hair spa and blowdry. For those who don't know what a hair spa is (and I get the feeling that will be, ooh, pretty much everyone), oils and proteins are used to put some life, swing and general pizazz back into your locks.
31 May 2007
What, even more prizes?
First up is a hamper from Jordans. Perfect for the low-GI fanatic who enjoys breakfast thanks to the numerous packets of porridges and cereals, and a special, luxury muesli. All housed in a recyclable, happy cardboard box with waterbased ink. Makes you feel good in the morning.
Next up is something that is not even worth telling you about as I plan to buy all the tickets so I can win this. But here are the details anyway so you can see what you are missing out on. It's one set of the five shortlisted novels and the winner of this year's Independent Foreign Fiction Prize with a bottle of Champagne Taittinger Brut Reserve Non Vintage. The winning novel is The Book of Chameleons by the Angolan author José Eduardo Agualusa, and his translator Daniel Hahn.
Next, a bit of booze. We have been given two bottles of limited edition Apsinthion Absinthe. The bottles are rather handsome and apparently the liquid inside is also rather lovely. The Apsinthion Grand De Luxe Absinthe won 'Best in Class' at the International Wine & Spirits Competition in 2005 with it's De Luxe variant and 2007 sees the launch of the super-premium Apsinthion Grand De Luxe, of which only 1000 bottles per year available - we've got two so start saving your pennies for the raffle tickets.
24 May 2007
Free food for starving hacks
This post is dedicated to all the rather nice restaurant people who have offered us meals for the raffle.
Thai-ed to London?
Then get down to The Mango Tree who is offering a free meal for two as one of the prizes. The award-winning Thai restaurant is also giving the winner a bottle of house wine with the meal. Having just looked at the website and recognised the interior, I can confirm that the food is indeed rather fab, having been there only two months ago. Dishes include Pla Pow, a grilled fillet of sea bass wrapped in banana leaf and fresh lemon grass served with spicy lime sauce and Larb Pla Tuna, a north-eastern-style tuna salad with dry chilli and lemon grass. Yum.
It is very close to Victoria station, ideal for all you commuters. www.mangotree.org.uk
Hop along to Oblong
Oblong has singlehandedly elevated the status of George St in Hove from culinary desert to foodie heaven since opening earlier this year. Owned by the quiff-sporting Mark, Oblong has a funky cooking-style while sticking to local, seasonal ingredients. The prize is a two-course meal for two, and if you are lucky there might be a spare table on the fabulous roof terrace. Typical dishes include wild salmon pink pepper crusted wild salmon steak with spring onion, maple syrup and griddled pickles and rump of lamb with feta and roasted vine cherry tomato salad.
Dorset for the evening
The Dorset is an old favourite in the North Laine of Brighton. The continental bar/restaurant is always crowded at the weekend with folk able to sit outside, sip a beer and watch passers-by struggle with their bags of empowering crystals. The restaurant is popular with families and couples alike thanks to its generous portions of French bistro-style food. Manager Thomas is giving the NUJ a meal up to the price of £30 as a prize. Dishes include aubergine stuffed with gruyere, oregano and wild mushroom risotto served with tomato salsa and roasted pine nuts, and whole roasted seasbass crammed with lemon and thyme and served with parmesan rocket salad.
23 May 2007
Throbbing Gristle
I have two tickets for avant-garde industrial noise merchants Throbbing Gristle show on Saturday at the Tate where they play along to Derek Jarman films.
TG's lead singer Genesis P Orridge was a bloke, now he's a bird. Possibly the weirdest man/woman on the planet. I met him once in a Shaftesbury Avenue kebab shop in 1985 where he was accompanied by lesbian novelist Kathy Acker and he gave me his autograph and she gave me hers. It was my first brush with a superstar.
More here: http://www.tate.org.uk/modern/thelongweekend2007/9027.htm
Tickets are free - can't make the show cos I'm playing cricket.
22 May 2007
Beach Barbie brill prize No3
And we've got a guide book to the concrete citadel as one of our barbecue special prizes. Maybe not as special as Rachael's goodies (see below) but it's hard to top them.
Worth at least a tenner and after spending three nights there at last month's ADM it has to be admitted - Brum's on the up.
21 May 2007
NUJ ePetition - Newsquest's Scottish titles need your support
The Herald's position as a national newspaper is seriously under threat.
The Sunday Herald's role as an award-winning quality Sunday title is at risk.
The ability of Evening Times journalists to sustain the high profile campaigning identity of the paper is being dramatically undermined.
The real danger to these prestigious Scottish titles comes directly from Newsquest's demand for job cuts in each of the last three years.
Their profitable return on investment has been over 35% during this period. This is more than double the average company performance in the UK (14.8%)
Profits from the three titles more than doubled last year to almost £20million.
Parent company Gannett has a current operating revenue of $8033 million.
Now Chief Executive Tim Blott is demanding up to £3million savings from staff.
The Scottish public and civic society must stand up for these newspapers, which are much more important to this country than aspirations and demands of Newsquest shareholders. We need your support to protect titles which are an essential part of Scottish cultural, political and civic life.
Write to the company expressing your concerns and sign the petition.
Tim Blott, Chief Executive, Newsquest (Herald and Times) Limited, 200 Renfield Street, Glasgow G2 3QB.
Click here to sign the NUJ ePetition @ http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/heraldandtimes/
11 May 2007
Free Press
08 May 2007
Beach barbie and ken - get the look

For the blokes Biodroga has rather fabulously donated a set of grooming products worth more than £100, including Facial Wash, 24hr Moisturizer, Morning Fit gel, and Vitalizing shower Gel.
And finally, for those whose hands are a mess of ripped cuticles and shredded nails, we have a manicure kit from www.GlossOnline.co.uk containing French Manicure duo, Mini Avoplex Lotion and Essie Crystal Nail File & Polish Set. All Brighton&Mid-Sussex NUJ members can get 10% when ordering online at www.GlossOnline.co.uk, contact Rachael at rachael_glazier@yahoo.co.uk for more info.
More prizes to be announced soon...
02 May 2007
The Guardian's Michael White and The Telegraph's Chi Chan will lead a discussion about the impact of the convergence and integration of media technologies on the role of journalists. Standards, ethics, staffing levels and much more will be discussed at this important round table discussion. If you would like to attend please contact campaigns@nuj.org.uk as soon as possible. Find out more about the conference by going to www.nuj.org.uk/inner.php?docid=1686.
01 May 2007
Beach barbie grand draw Prize No1
Well here's further proof. Prize No1 for our summer beach barbie raffle is the Fidel Castro handbook, written by none other than that bloke off the telly, George Galloway. Worth a nominal £15. It is indeed written by Mr Galloway Respect MP for Bethnal Green and Bow.
400+plus pages but maybe half feature pictures of some bloke with a beard and of course an obligatory one of George embracing said fungus face. It's quite a breezy, if somewhat hagiographic, read. I thought it was bloody excellent. Published by MG Publications, other subjects in the series include Elvis, Che, cartoonist R Crumb, Jackie Onassis and Muhammad Ali. An eclectic bunch! Wonder if George wrote them too.
We're having a raffle at the barbie at the end of June to raise money for NUJ extra, which is the charity that helps impoverished journos down on their luck by topping up meagre pensions, for example, or making grants.
And don't worry, bear with us as we whip up the excitement to a feverish froth of unbearable expectation by announcing, weekly, prizes at the do. We do hav other stuff which is even better than this. Stay tuned to this site for the next one, which is definitely not two copies of the Fidel Castro handbook.
30 April 2007
May Searchlight
28 April 2007
Rover returns
You may have already spotted this on the Brighton Festival calendar but former Argus journalist Rory McCarthy is one of the starring attractions next week and some of us remember him as a callow youth, covering the transport beat with commendable vigour. It's on Sunday May 6 at the Old Market in Hove. Rory is the Guardian's Baghdad correspondent and last year wrote a book on the country and how its people are coping with war. He is joined by BBC film-maker Sean McAllister who made the film Liberace in Baghdad, which will be screened at the venue. It will be followed by a round-table debate on Iraq's continuing crisis.
Tickets - call Brighton 709709. Booking fee a despicable £2 but not if you buy direct at the festival box office. Tickets still available on Tuesday!
26 April 2007
Job - Culture vulture wanted
ICONS, a major online project funded by Culture Online, is coming under the editorial supervision of the 24 Hour Museum. The job will be an interesting mix of tasks, from sifting nominations for ICON status and answering email enquiries, to researching and writing articles and features for new ICON entries, sourcing pictures and editing and uploading content.
The mix of skills, initiative and judgement needed to do the job successfully means we are seeking a qualified journalist (to NCTJ standard) with recent experience and a self-starting and positive attitude. A willingness to travel around the UK to research information and an interest in culture is essential. Duties include:
• Research and write articles, features and news stories for ICONS / 24HM website.
• Take responsibility for maintenance of the ICONS site. Maintain scrutiny of specific site sections and ensure they are accurate and up-to-date.
• Assist in maintaining a contacts book and story diary
• Liaise with contacts, press officers and PR agencies as necessary.
Plus any other duties that are seen to be appropriate to the post.
Contact Jon Pratty at editor@24hourmuseum.org.uk for an application form or we can forward a pdf on to you!
25 April 2007
Crofts original
Even the gate-crasher ("I came in here looking for a talk on nuclear power.") hung around for an hour to enjoy the event. She didn't seem particularly interested in joining though.
20 April 2007
The union, with the support of the International Federation of Journalists, is to stage a vigil for Alan Johnston outside the Palestinian General Delegation office (5 Galena Road, Hammersmith, London W6 0LT) on Wednesday 25 April between 12.30pm and 1.30pm. Members who can are urged to attend to show your solidarity with Alan and efforts to secure his release.
After visiting the NUJ conference last weekend IFJ General Secretary Aidan White arrived in Gaza last night. As an NUJ member Aidan is carrying a message from me on behalf of the NUJ to representatives of the Palestinian Authority demanding action against those who have kidnapped Alan. He is also taking with him a letter demanding Alan's release signed by 177 MEPs - the result of last Monday's day of action in Brussels organised by the IFJ with the support of the NUJ. The NUJ has also organised a day of action in Dublin today.
The US journalists union has also now taken up the campaign after its President Linda Foley attended the NUJ conference and met with NUJ officials.
A report of the trade union meetings with the Palestinian Authorities over Alan's kidnap taking place over the next few days will be given at the vigil. We will hand in a letter demanding further resources and effort be devoted to trying to secure Alan's release and provide information to his family, friends and colleagues.
This latest move comes after meetings and correspondence between the union and UK and Palestinian government representatives over the past few weeks, as well as vital work with the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate to keep up the profile of Alan's plight . All our efforts have been to bring pressure to bear on the authorities, not only to work hard to secure Alan's safety and release but to address the threats to all journalists in the region and to enable them to work free from the threat of kidnap, intimidation and threats.
Please join us at the vigil if you can.
Jeremy Dear
General Secretary
Editorial assistant job
For more information go to http://www.journalism.co.uk/jobs/3331
18 April 2007
Safety of Journalists - Join us in Parliament
16 April 2007
Day 4 - Revenge of the Nerds
They were elected by delegates to the new union body – the Commission on Multi Media Working (Motion 90 – you can read it in full at the main NUJ website). It aims to conduct an intensive study into all union-related aspects of multimedia working – and will look at issues like training, health and safety, use of freelances, wages etc.
And they’re definitely the right people for the job though of course with all the candidates in front of us, we were spoilt for choice. Anyone who knows Jemima is aware of her evangelistic zeal for new media in her former role at Brighton-based journalism.co.uk. And Helene - known to many of us as ‘Len’ when she was secretary in the late 90s and a key figure in the branch’s resurrection – works on the Guardian website. Both were speakers at a fringe meeting on ‘Convergence’ the evening before. Jemima is the recent former chair, now a resident of west London, is also on the union’s new media council. She also works on the Guardian website.
Of particular interest today was the motion on Newsquest, which is the owner of the Brighton Argus. In Glasgow, as publisher of the Herald, Sunday Herald and Evening Times, it has fallen foul of journos. Managers even had the audacity to ask the staff how to save £3m – this, following a £19m profit last year. “Oi, help us make you redundant!” Anyone who has worked for Newsquest would recognise this attitude.
Bradford rep Bob Smith condemned the ‘rapacious greed’ of the Newsquest. He said: “We are looking to attend the Gannett group annual meeting in the US next year (Gannett own Newsquest) to tell them about what is happening on their papers in the UK. We have got to attack them.” The ADM instructed the National Executive Council to support the joint chapels’ campaign to remove the threat of further cuts.
Motions 150 to 175 were on the agenda. Some decisions arising from them:
* There will be 10 issues of the Journalist not nine, published next year. One was to have been dropped but that has been opposed.
* A motion urging the Journalist editor Tom Gopsill to seek to ensure a balanced and fair coverage of Middle East issues was passed.
* Ways to enable an NUJ-hosted email list to allow for ‘sharing of best practice and defence of members’ rights’ will be looked at.
* A union pensioners’ organisation is to be set up.
* The National Executive is to step up its anti-racist campaigning specifically against Islamophobia and support membes prepared to take industrial action to oppose racism.
More contentiously the union will soon have a new code of conduct which is ‘tighter’. See Motion 172 on the main site. The paragraph which mentioned not mentioning a person’s age, gender, race, colour, creed, legal status etc etc has been ditched and sparked a healthy debate with several speakers on both sides.
The one who stood out though was Yorkshire Post reporter Pete Lazenby (star of last week’s Press Gazette NUJ pullout). Basically I’m telescoping his quotes here – He said: “If, after making the morning calls on the newspaper I wrote a story about someone dying in a road crash and left out all the information supplied by the various emergency services (and all of it relevant to what the reader would want to know), I wouldn’t be able to write a story if I take on board what the code of conduct says I should leave out. So instead of a news story revealing all about what had happened and that someone had died in a car crash and who that someone was etc. I’d be left with the story “It is dead.”
And now, thankfully, after the vote so is that part of the code of conduct.
15 April 2007
Day 3 of ADM
Finance was the first issue of the day. The union, for the first time in a while, has a deficit, so subs have been increased. The maximum increase is £9.60 over the year and will cover funds needed for campaigns such as Journalism Matters as well as training. Student membership has increased from £10 to £25 for the entirety of their course, and with this they are now entitled to a 25% discount on their first full year of membership, providing they join within 12 months of graduating.
Max Clifford and Esther Rantzen are apparently up for grabs if we'd like them to help us raise funds for a welfare campaign. Any suggestions as to how we could use them on a postcard to the usual address please, try to refrain from sending pictures of oddly shaped vegetables at the same time.
The motion to appoint a Photographers' Organiser was remitted. This means the national exec council will investigate the proposal as part of a wider investigation into union staffing over the next 12 months. It was felt that staffing needs to be dealt with in a strategic way to prevent money and time being wasted.
John McDonnell MP gave a talk about the role of journalism in this country, commenting that many MPs only pay lip service to free press. He predicted a future where the media is controlled solely by monopolies and trans-atlantic media barons and urged members to act when Blair finally steps down and the leadership contest begins (as is looking likely). "We should intervene in hustings, asking 'What is your position on free press?', 'What is your position on low pay in journalism?' The free press is fundamental to the future of democracy."
Conference briefly felt like a school playground when the seemingly uncontentious motion to set up virtual branches for those unable to get hold face-to-face meetings was discussed. This motion is especially important for those overseas or disabled as it allows them to debate and choose delegates from their virtual branch so they are represented at ADM. The namecalling started with one delegate opposing the motion calling computer types nerds. Inevitably this was followed by a proposer calling out Luddite from the other corner. Jemima Kiss, ex-chair of this branch, declared herself proud to be a nerd. The opposers, one of whom recommended virtual branches should only be allowed when the "bugs in the email system are sorted out", won the close vote. This branch has been reliably informed that the New Media Industrial Council is considering renaming itself the Nerd Media Industrial Council.
Under government policy there was a call for the extradition of those responsible for the death of ITN reporter Terry Lloyd. It was noted that journalists in Northern Ireland are not receiving adequate protection from the government.
Action was called for amendments to the Freedom of Information Act to speed up the process, as well as to reduce the number of refusals. An American reporter said she was shocked at how difficult it is in the UK to get information, unlike in the USA.
A motion was carried instructing the NEC to encourage disabled members to declare their disability, whether hidden or not, on the understanding that the more members who declare they are disabled, the less disability will be viewed as something that only affects a minority of workers.
13 April 2007
ADM - Day 2 (Friday)
Wheeled in just after lunch to address his first annual delegate meeting in 58 years as a member of the NUJ - the ADM must have been one of the few forums this inveterate public speaker hadn't addressed - he outlined the importance of the union's work.
"Truth will make you free," he said. And he applauded the work of British journalists - even managing to wring laughs about The Sun's treatment of him ('Benn is bonkers') as it urged voters at a by-election in Chesterfield to kick him out in the 80s. He won by 16,000 votes!
A wide ranging speech scanned 600 years of history - quoting the 1401 Heresy Act (only allowing priests to read the Bible - this was why access to information was paramount) and the verdict of the 1830s writer William Cobbett on the 'enslaved and vile' press of the time. You probably had to be there to but it was a hilarious turn.
As for the rest of the day, well there's no point in trying to list every twist and turn of every argument and list every decision taken on all the issues. But here's a few things that stood out for me (ie I didn't know about them, or they sparked the most debate)
1 General Secretary Jeremy Dear said November 5 will be a huge and vocal protest - a day of action by journalists. Activities will be arranged to coincide with the Society of Editors conference in Manchester.
2 Conference voted narrowly in favour of boycotting Israel goods
3 The BBC reps announced that despite the job cuts at the corporation in the recent turmoil, there had not been a single compulsory redundancy - union activity had succeeded in making great inroads into the degree of suffering of staff as a result.
4 Outsourcing jobs abroad is an increasing concern. David Crouch of the FT said that despite making journalists redundant the FT had recently announced they were creating 'lowly production jobs' in Manila. He warned: "Our members are paying for jobs that are moving to Manila."
5 Former Daily Mail reporter Hal Austin, who is black, said that the number of ethnic minority journalists represented in newsrooms was far too low - and the situation was worse than it was 20 years ago. He urged a 'conversation' to encourage more black representation in newsrooms, pointing out that South London Press which covers Brixton, had no ethnic minority reporters.
6 Freelancer Tim Lezard, formerly of the Gloucester Citizen, said local newspapers were beginning to fail the towns they served. The Citizen had withdrawn its three reporters from the city, moving them to Cheltenham in a bid to cut costs. Inevitably this resulted in good stories being missed. Conference heard that this sort of action by management was being looked at abroad - similar moves had occurred in Norway where union staff had contacted journalists in Britain to swap information on the issue.
That's it for the mo - the above is from my notes and I can put up more once I've gone through the agenda again.
It wasn't all doom and gloom, Tony Benn ensured that. The level of goodwill and energy of all involved so far is a good sign and ever-inventive journos seem to have plenty of answers for the issues some of us will have to confront in the next few years.
Tomorrow, hopefully, Rachael will be posting here.
12 April 2007
ADM - Day 1
But I did manage to make the fringe meeting on Islamophobia. Speakers included David Crouch, FT web news editor, Uzma Hussein from the BBC World Service, the new president of the NUJ Michelle Stanistreet (who works on the Daily Express) and Andrew Murray, chair of the Stop the War Coalition.
David Crouch said that there was too much xenophobic journalism in the coverage of the Middle East - a particular example being the recent hostage crisis in Iran.
Michelle Stanistreet circulated copies of the infamous 'Daily Fatwah' which only abrupt action by the Daily Star's NUJ chapel had halted shortly before the evening deadline on night last year. The Star had been due to run a page of 'jokes' at the expense of Muslims. She talked us through the representations made by staff unhappy about the tone of the page and said that a walkout of staff shortly before the deadline had prompted a rethink and the substitution of a feature instead. "We walked out to the canteen and that in itself got the page pulled."
"I am sure in reality that the management are pretty grateful for what the chapel did. I personally received about 300 messages in the next ten days." She said that the Express/Star's steady diet of gypsy-bashing stories and anti-aslyum seeking items had often resulted in a boost in sales across the titles.
Andrew Murray spoke very effectively on the work of the Stop the War Coalition. He said Britain had been failed by its lobby and parliamentary correspondents in the run-up to the Iraq war. He said: "They have uncritically retailed government spin. Our media has amplified the lies used to justify the war in Iraq. This is happening again with Iran."
07 April 2007
NUJ birthday book
It's described on the NUJ's home page as "a 320-page history, with more than 80 photographs, written by Journalist editor Tim Gopsill and Greg Neale, former Father of the NUJ Chapel at the Times and the founding editor of BBC History magazine."
There's a form in your copy of the mag or you'll be able to buy it for £10 from Tuesday via the website (accessible by hitting the headline on this item).
04 April 2007
April Searchlight
29 March 2007
Public meeting - Iraq Freedom Congress
· supporting workers' strikes (for example those in the oil industry and healthcare)
· supporting the protests of students and of the unemployed
· opposing the imposition of Sharia law and its implications for the oppression of women.
· appealing for international support against the US invasion.
Mahmoud is the representative abroad of both the Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI) and the Federation of Workers' Councils and Unions in Iraq (FWCUI).
The IFC is based on popular networks of grass root neighbourhood centres where local people gather and organise their self-defence.
Public Meeting
Monday April 2nd 7.30 p.m.
Brighthelm Centre
SfEP AGM and 18th Annual Conference
Other lectures include David and Helen MacDonald of Prepress Projects talking about typesetting skills for copy-editors, and Gill Davies, senior lecturer at the London College of Communication, will be discussing the challenges of being a commissioning editor. There will also be numerous workshops.
It is running from Monday 3 September to Wednesday 5 September. For more information go to http://www.sfep.org.uk/pub/confs/conf2007_advance.asp
20 March 2007
Argus subbing school
16 March 2007
Be a welfare officer
14 March 2007
What do you want to talk about?
So if you have anything you feel we should talk about or act upon please let us know and we can put whatever topic you like on the agenda.
13 March 2007
Annual Delegate Meeting
This month's meeting is now your only chance to influence union policy. Take a look at it, it's a lengthy read, and if anything gets your goat come to the meeting and state your arguments.
A vote of this month's meeting can instruct the three delegates - Rachael Glazier, Cath Quinn and Adrian Colley - to vote in certain ways on the motions.
For example, one motion asks the NUJ to organise a ballot on affiliating to the Keep the NHS Public campaign. We can be instructed to vote in favour or against this by a simple majority of the March meeting.
There are 191 and 12 late motions on the agenda. Click on the headline to take a look.
11 March 2007
Make your own radio show, plus other courses from CSV
The course takes place at CSV Media Clubhouse, in the same building as BBC Southern Counties Radio on Queen’s Road, Brighton. In just 10 weeks you’ll get to grips with:
Radio styles and basic radio theory; Digital audio editing using cool edit pro software; Learning / revisiting how to use minidisk kits; Interviewing; Making a feature; Including music and sound effects; scriptwriting for radio; presenting; Producing and programme scheduling
After 10 weeks you will have developed your own programme and have a show reel for potential employers to hear. Above all it means you will have the creative say-so in your own radio programme. The course will begin on Tuesday 27th March (to be confirmed) and will run every Tuesday evening from 6 – 9 pm, for a total of 10 weeks.
The course fee is just £150, payable up front, which helps CSV continue providing services for all our communities. First come first served basis. Contact Erin Prior or Alex Hawkey on 01273 720 894 or brightonclub@csv.org.uk.
Computer courses
Photoshop - learn the basic. Bring along your digital pictures or even an old photograph and unleash your creativity as you learn to edit, restore and even modify your pictures! Dates: 16th March/ 27th Apr
Microsoft Publisher - desktop-publishing programme enables you to quickly design, and publish, a variety of professional-looking publications like newsletters, posters, flyers, brochures, cards, etc. Dates: 23rd Mar/11th May
Digital Camera Workshop - one-day workshop introduces you to the basic features of digital cameras, shows you how to transfer your photos to a computer and provides tips on how to store, organise, enhance and share your digital photographs.
Bring your digital camera. Dates: 30th Mar/18th May
Dreamweaver - design, create and publish your own web page using Dreamweaver, the leading web development software. Dates: 3rd Apr
Adobe Audition - intuitive, easy-to-use digital audio editor provides the flexible, powerful tools you need to record, mix, edit, and master digital audio to professional standards. Dates: 9th Mar/1st June
All courses are at introductory level and best suited for those with little of no knowledge of the subject. However, a basic knowledge of using computers is essential. For more advanced courses or even beginner/refresher course in computers, please contact CSV Media Clubhouse, BBC Southern Counties Radio, 40 - 42 Queens Road, Brighton. Disabled Access available.
Timing: Fridays 10am to 4pm with lunch and tea/coffee breaks. Please arrive 10 mins. early.
Course Fee: £15 for each of the above courses - except Dreamweaver and Adobe Audition, which cost £20. Discounts available to those in receipt of benefit. The full fee is payable in advance by either cash or cheques in order to secure your place. note: Your fee is refundable only if we are notified of cancellation by 5pm on the Tuesday before your course.
Contact: Erin Prior or Alex Hawkey on 01273 720 894 or brightonclub@csv.org.uk
10 March 2007
Notes from Joanne Mallon's talk
09 March 2007
Iranian asylum-seeker wants experience
He has been denied a work permit but desperately wants to put his experience to good use through voluntary work. His English is very good though he is not fluent. Anyone who can help should contact us at nujbrighton@gmail.com and we can pass on an email for him.
08 March 2007
Workplace stress
07 March 2007
Anarchist films
New films on the ChristieBooks Channel:
An Anarchist's Story
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
Discovering Treasure: making The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
(NB - Please give the streaming videos time to load. If they don't start
playing immediately please be patient and give them a few minutes to load)
06 March 2007
March Searchlight
05 March 2007
Brighton&Hove Chamber of Commerce AGM
The AGM starts at 5.45pm and is free to members, with the reception starting at 7pm. This is a great oppportunity for those wishing to network with local businesses. Discounts are available for those booking a table. For more information go to www.businessinbrighton.org.uk.
25 February 2007
Agitate, Educate, Integrate: Shaping the Future
15 February 2007
Feb meeting - negotiate better rates
Joanne Mallon worked for ten years as a TV producer on shows including GMTV and This Morning, and her media coach work has been featured in The Guardian, The Independent and The Evening Standard. She regularly writes for national newspapers and magazines.
Check out her website at www.MediaLifeCoach.com for more information.
Hope to see you there,
Rachael and Adrian
14 February 2007
Sit on regional TUC
The body brings together union reps to campaign and organise on issues like pay. health and safety, racism etc.
If you want to be nominated you need to come forward by noon on March 7.
There are five seats on each of nine councils. They are
Regional Council
Creative and Leisure Industries Committee
Disability Network
International Affairs Commitee
LGBT Network
Race Relations
Women's Rights
Public Services Committee and
Pensioners Network
And there's one seat up for grabs on:
Executive Committee as well as, on the same body,
a reserved women's seat; black, minority seat; disabled seat; youth seat and LGBT seat.
You can get yourself nominated at this month's meeting on Feb 27 at the Cricketers in Brighton.
13 February 2007
Black Members' Conference
04 February 2007
Be a mentor
So it's looking for experienced members or reps to fill the role - you don't necessarily have to have been a chapel FoC or branch official.
The degree of commitment will vary - it could be training or supporting someone where you work or, at a branch level, being at the end of a phone to help reps.
The union is willing to make training available to any member wanting to be a mentor - if you feel it would be handy. In most cases the arrangement will be more of an informal support mechanism.
We'll be discussing this at the February meeting. So if you feel able to get in touch let us know - we've been asked to forward names of willing candidates to HQ by the end of March.
31 January 2007
Freedom of Information Act
30 January 2007
Sign up for the Photographers' Conference
29 January 2007
February Searchlight
23 January 2007
CPBF newsletters
18 January 2007
Benn speaks
It starts at 7.30pm. Further details: www.lewesdistricttuc.org
15 January 2007
January newsletter
1 This month’s meeting is in the George Pub on Trafalgar Street in Brighton, in the non-smoking section - we have a table booked – on Wednesday, January 24 from 7.30pm. If you are coming from outside Brighton via the train station, walk under the bridge outside the station. This is Trafalgar Street, the same street that our old meeting place, the Nelson, is on. The George is the veggie pub at the end on your right. If you have any problems finding it call Rachael Glazier on 07939 258172 or Adrian Colley on 07944 566728 on the day.
2 This month's meeting is your chance to represent the branch at the 2007 Annual Delegate Meeting at the Holiday Inn in Birmingham, April 12 to 15. Our current record-breaking numbers (more than 250) mean that this year we can send three delegates instead of the measly two of previous years. So if you are interested in representing the branch then put your name forward either at the meeting or, if you can't attend, via email. If there are more than three candidates, the representatives will be decided by a vote on the night. You must be fully paid-up on the subs front to be a delegate.
3 The preliminary agenda for the ADM has been sent to us. We have two copies. If you want one, we can put it in the post asap. There are 190 or so motions, covering everything from an increase in subscriptions to a motion asking the ADM to condemn the Israeli conflict in Lebanon last year. You can download a copy of the agenda from the bottom of the page at http://www.nuj.org.uk/inner.php?docid=1072
If you want to propose an amendment to any of the motions then you need to come along this month and have it adopted, by a vote of the meeting, by the branch. If you can't make it, then email us and we can consider your request at the meeting. This is the only remaining chance you will have to influence the ADM. In March, we should have the final agenda and that meeting is the chance to influence and propose a branch stance on how our three delegates should vote on any motion. That is, the March meeting can instruct our delegates to vote a certain way on any of the ADM motions.
4 Thanks so much to everyone who responded to our email asking what you'd like from your branch. Among the various suggestions was a request to hold meetings outside of Brighton occasionally. Please let us know if you think this is a good idea, and if so, which town would be best.
We've also received plenty of ideas for talks: how to make more money as a freelancer; how to make it in book publishing; what editors really get up to; and lots of suggestions of potential speakers to approach. More ideas are welcome, including what would entice you to the occasional meeting. Answers on a postcard to nujbrighton@gmail.com or 6a Chatham Place, Brighton, BN1 3TP.
5 And thanks to everyone who turned up a the Christmas do last month. About 30 people attended and we just broke the 200 quid barrier when it came to totting up the booze bill at the end of the evening. If you have any pix we can put them up on the site.
6 We have copies of January's Searchlight, with in-depth assessment of the BNP’s 'successful' 2006 and what can be done to ensure they don't have a good 2007, Justice for Colombia mag and a small pamphlet from Working Class Movement library in Salford. Email nujbrighton@gmail.com and we'll bung them in the post to you.
7 Keep an eye on the branch website at www.nujbrighton.org.uk as it has the latest updates on NUJ campaigns, freelance meetings and general information on Brighton happenings. Feel free to add your own posts, just email nujbrighton@gmail.com to join in.
8 In case you missed it at the top, we'd love to cut down on the number of newsletters sent by post. Please let us know if you would like us to email the newsletter in future.
12 January 2007
Annual Delegate Meeting agenda
Contact nujbrighton@gmail.com if you want it.
10 January 2007
Up for grabs
- January Searchlight, with in-depth assessment of BNP 'successful' 2006 and what can be done to ensure they don't have a good 2007.
- Justice for Colombia mag.
- Small pamphlet from Working Class Trade Union library in Salford.
I can chuck them in the post no problem.