21 November 2008

Maria Reveals Publishing Secrets

Three cheers for author, Maria McCarthy, who gave the Brighton NUJ a truly inspirational speech on book publishing this October. Maria, who wrote A Girls’ Guide to Losing Her ‘L’ Plates (a very funny read, and recommended stocking filler for any learner driver), braved Brighton seaside hurricanes to speak at the Iron Duke, where she spilled the magic beans on the publishing industry.

What is the mysterious secret winking language authors must learn to win a publishing contract? Do agents really spontaneously combust in sunlight? Which way should authors turn at the reeking swamp, or should they brave the rotten bridge and proceed directly to the lair of Pantone Hair, the cover elf?

Maria revealed all these secrets and more, and also gave us a sneak preview of her new title out this year: A Girls’ Guide to Driving. For this insider knowledge, and for being a truly fascinating and funny guest, we thank her. Come back again any time, Maria, you will be most welcome!

03 November 2008

We're still here!

Hello, and let me start out by saying how sorry I am that we've not posted on here for so long. I'm afraid we got all excited by our Web 2.0 presence (go on, be our FaceBook friend) and forgotten this humble blog for a few months now. Looking back to the previous entry, one thing occurs immediately: it certainly isn't summer any more.

Anyway, many thanks for those of you who attended our AGM at the Iron Duke, though whether the opportunity to re-elect the officers (which you did, and we are suitably honoured) or Maria McCarthy's excellent and engaging talk on getting your first book out there was the main draw I'll leave unmentioned. OK, it was her!

Incidentally for those of you who missed the event looking for tips let me know, as we have some edited highlights of the event, though in this Stalinist post-Brand/Ross era we do have to be careful. Not that there were any prank calls.

Our next meeting is the Christmas Party, so stay tuned for more news on that.