Present: Jemima Kiss, Linda Harrison, Adrian Colley, Natalie Holmes, Adam Juniper, Rowan Dore, John Hughes, Virginia Bridgewater, Naomi Marks, Karen Hoy
1 Apologies: Steve Whitehead, Barbara Wiseman
2 No new member applications
3 Minutes of January meeting - it was pointed that the newsletter that was sent out with the January minutes was confusing in that it said the cost of the nujbrighton website was 50.75p a month. Some read that as the price it would cost members to use monthly. Adrian Colley said the figure was the monthly cost of the site, which is free to all to use, and apologised for not removing any ambiguities in the offending item.
4 Correspondence
i) Thank you letter from Manchester branch for our donation to the freelance activisits conference in November.
ii) Copy of Searchlight circulated
iii) Recruitment week - March 21-24. Do we want to organise an event? Meeting decided to encourage members to bring along non-members to the meeting/pub quiz. It suggested contacting the City College and Brighton University with a view to encouraging students to come along. It was agreed that the branch would offer a drink to such potential recruits, not as inducement, but as hospitality.
iv) BBC charter renewal meeting with Michael Grade, March 22 - details of how to attend this event were circulated.
5 Officers' reports
Adrian Colley said we had £1,411.23 in the bank.
6 Chapel reports
Argus MoC Karen Hoy said journalists had met pre-press staff, who are members of Amicus, who are in talks with Newsquest management at the Brighton Argus. She said journalists' pay claim had been delayed.
7 Any other business
There was no other business to transact
Next meeting is on Tuesday 15 March at 7.30pm.
1 comment:
Just to clarify the cost of the website: it costs the branch less than 51p per month. The site is free (apart from our time is setting it up and writing for it) and we paid £6 for the domain for one year.
It is completely free to use. So please do!
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