27 October 2006

2006 Annual Meeting minutes

Brighton and Mid Sussex NUJ Annual Meeting, Wednesday October 18 at Brighthelm Centre, Brighton.

Present: Barbara Wiseman, Rachael Glazier, Adrian Colley, Cath Quinn, Amanda Wilkins, Fred Pipes, Gordon Scott.

1 Apologies received from Jemima Kiss, Carole Benton and Adam Juniper.

2 New members elected - Carina Westling, Katherine Perriam, Ygraine Cadlock, Nicola Tann, Katherine McGlinchey

3 Officers' reports. Treasurer Adrian Colley gave the financial report (to be put up in full on site over weekend). The branch has a healthy £2,191.60 in the bank, as of September 30, 2006.

4 Election of officers. Amanda Wilkins and Cath Quinn were elected co-chairs. Adrian Colley and Rachael Glazier were elected as co-secretaries. Adrian Colley was re-elected treasurer.

5 Correspondence - copies of Searchlight magazine, Free press and Justice for Colombia magazine circulated.

6 No chapel reports

7 Subscriptions - meeting backed re-subscribing to the Justice for Colombia campaign and the Trade Union Friends of Searchlight at a cost £50 each.

8 There were no nominations for the National Executive Committee

9 There were no nominations for the NUJ's industrial councils.

10 Christmas party - meeting was asked for suggestions. Adrian Colley suggested a move away from last year's venue, the Cricketers in Brighton, as the cost of drink was fairly expensive. Caxton, Leo's Lounge and Fitzherberts offered as possible venues to be investigated. Several dates were discussed the preferred options were Wednesday December 13 or 20. Branch secretaries will look to book something by the end of the month.

11 Women's Conference, London, December 2. Free NUJ conference for women at HQ in Gray's Inn Road (more details further down the weblog, see Oct 18 entry): details circulated to meeting.

12 Any other business. Barbara Wiseman, enlarged on a recent hospital stay she endured and which left her less than impressed by the current state of the NHS. She felt the branch should express concern about the local NHS .

She was asked to consider a motion to bring back to next month's meeting for discussion.

She also pointed out that money was about to 'wasted' on the Trident missile system which she felt could be spent on better things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry - I thought I had sent my apologies - I had wanted to go! Apologies for not sending apologies in time!