29 March 2007

Public meeting - Iraq Freedom Congress

On 2 April (Monday) Houzan Mahmoud, co-founder of the Iraq Freedom Congress, will be talking about the situation in Iraq. She has recently returned from the country and will report on the growing struggles of women and workers to build a secular resistance to both the US occupation and the militant political Islamic groups that are plunging Iraq into civil war. These struggles have included

· supporting workers' strikes (for example those in the oil industry and healthcare)
· supporting the protests of students and of the unemployed
· opposing the imposition of Sharia law and its implications for the oppression of women.
· appealing for international support against the US invasion.

Mahmoud is the representative abroad of both the Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI) and the Federation of Workers' Councils and Unions in Iraq (FWCUI).

The IFC is based on popular networks of grass root neighbourhood centres where local people gather and organise their self-defence.

Public Meeting
Monday April 2nd 7.30 p.m.
Brighthelm Centre

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