25 September 2007

Accounts for year ending September 30, 2007

The branch gets 5% of every member's subscription. We get this in the form of quarterly installments from HQ and this more than funds branch activities. We now have, as of August 31, £2,692.78 in the Unity Trust Bank.

This year we spent £1,350.57 and received £1,709.26. So we are in a healthy position in that we have twice as much money in the bank as we have spent in the last year. As a comparison, in the 12 months up to September 30, 2006 we spent £1,166.15 and received £1,821.40.

In the last year I wrote 16 cheques, itemised below. Branch running costs have been about 40% of expenditure and party costs have been around the same! The only unpaid bill is a cheque soon to be written to Rachael Glazier for costs she has incurred in the past few months and for which she has not yet made a claim.

Cheques paid out:
JFC affiliation - £50
Searchlight - £50
AGM costs of newsletter printing, after-meeting drinks, taxi for Barbara Wisemen - £42
AGM room hire - £34
Jemima Kiss for hire of web domain - £6.78
Deposit for Xmas party room hire - £40
Stamps - £115
Xmas party drinks bill - £202.40
CPBF subs - £25
Sundry items - envelopes, printing, wine for guest speaker - A Colley £20
500 stamps - £123.90
Wine for Andrew Crofts - £13.99
Rachael Glazier - £45
Adrian Colley - £440. Includes cost of food and drink for barbecue (£), drinks bill at Bedford Tavern (£159.40) and donation to NUJ Extra charity (£120). For convenience I paid NUJ Extra the
money raised from the raffle and then wrote myself a cheque for the barbie/drinks bill and charity payment.
500 stamps - £120
Photocopying - £22.50 - paid to R Glazier

Total £1,350.57


Stamps £358.90
Room hire - £34
Web costs - £6.78
Other costs - photocopying, envelopes, taxi for member from AGM, presents for speakers - £143.49



Xmas party £242.40
Summer barbie £160
Night in pub at postponed barbie - cost of drinks. £159.40


Justice for Colombia - £50
Trade Union Friends of Searchlight - £50
Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom - £50
Income from HQ - £1,709.26

INCOME = 1,709.26

Four quarterly payments - £414.08; £402.10; £435.77; £457.31

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