31 March 2008

The Journalist online: download your copy

The NUJ magazine Journalist has gone online with its April 2008 issue, downloadable in pdf or html formats, as the whole magazine or as separate articles. As a one-off experiment, this issue is not being printed or mailed to members. The idea is to save on the cost of printing and posting, and to see how members would like to receive their journal.
The main feature is an interview with union member Nick Davies - "the man who rocked the boat" - whose book Flat Earth News makes the claim that what we do now is really "churnalism". All that most journalists can do with the work pressures on them is to continually recycle unchecked stories, he says. It's a betrayal of real journalism - and the NUJ agrees. There's an audio clip of Nick Davies talking to Journalist editor Tim Gopsill about why he wrote the book.
Click on the title to view the Journalist.
The union is asking for feedback on this experiment. Email your views to journalist@nuj.org.uk


fredblog said...

link is here


Adrian Colley said...

Cor that was hard work. I think I prefer the paper version. One gentle accidental brush of the keyboard and your reading page 13 instead of page 4.

A worthwhile experiment though.