20 April 2008

Free freelance listing

Did you get this? I'll put it up anyway

The all-new NUJ Freelance Directory is almost ready to launch upon the world. Full entries are *free* to freelance NUJ members, including up to three sample photos and an extended text describing yourself, with design - I just pasted in a sample article, with an extra photo in it, and was surprised how nicely it came out.

It's easy to give yourself an entry in the new Freelance Directory. And it works - see below.

1) Go to the 'temporary' address www.nuj-rechord.co.uk

2) Check whether you already have an entry - click "Search the Directory" in the menu, and put your name, in quotes, in the last search field, and click "Search". * If you see yourself, then click "Help" in the menu and go to the instructions on "Updating your entry from the old directory" (If you have already updated it, thank you!) * If you don't, then click "Register as a new member" in the menu, then:

3) Fill in your basic details, and give yourself a password. It is important to get your membership number right. The directory wants the version printed on your (white) Membership Card. The one on press cards may have too many or too few zeros at the start. The new Directory does not show your email address to anyone -instead, people can send you messages by typing into a box in the Directory. So if you get (more) spam, it's nothing to do with the directory. Feel confident to use your main email address.

4) You will get an email from the Directory. Click the link in the email, which it takes you to a page where you enter your skills and specialist subjects. Then you go on to add an extended description/plug and three sample photos, if you want. The reason for this rigmarole is to make sure that you are you and that the email you typed actually works.

5) On May Day we will throw the switch so that everyone visiting www.freelancedirectory.org comes to the new Directory.

Mike Holderness PS: Those members who do not regard "geek" as an insult, in particular, may notice a few remaining odd behaviours. That's why we've given members several weeks to prod and pummel the directory before unleashing it on editors and the world.

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