27 February 2013

Next branch meeting on Tuesday 5 March

Our next branch meeting will be on Tuesday 5 March at 7.30pm in the 'lounge' at the Iron Duke, Waterloo Street, Brighton.


1. Welcome & apologies
2. Election of new members
3. The fight for jobs at the BBC - Following last month's one-day strike, Paul Sawtell and Paul Siegert from BBC Sussex NUJ will report on the ongoing dispute
4. Defend the NHS - why we're supporting Thursday's public meeting with Caroline Lucas
5. Future meetings - please bring your ideas!
6. Communications
7. Treasurer's report
8. Other reports (including Argus, trades council)
9. AOB

We hope you can make it. The meetings are alway a nice informal opportunity for members to meet, catch up on NUJ news and bring ideas for branch activity.

Thanks to everyone who come to the Christmas party at the Mesmerist in December. It was great to see so many members out and about, and lots of people said how much they enjoyed the talk and social, particularly people who considered themselves 'lapsed' or 'out of the loop'.

We will be organising another social event soon, so if anyone would like to get involved, get in touch with Phil Mellows, Branch Secretary on nujbrighton@gmail.com

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