02 October 2014

Britain needs a pay rise: TUC demo 18 October

There's a TUC march and rally in London on 18 October, which the branch is supporting:

The Brighton Trades Council is organising a train to encourage people to attend the TUC 'Britain needs a pay rise' demonstration in central London on the 18 October.

We expect to leave Brighton station at 8:30am and return from Victoria at 5pm. The Journey will be longer than normal as the direct line is closed to all trains that weekend.

We have block-booked 10 seats on the trades council train that's going up, so ask anyone who wants to go to contact Phil at philmellows@btinternet.com and the first 10 NUJ members can have a free trip. Non-NUJ members can pay for a seat via this Eventbrite page (which includes details on times etc):


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