13 April 2011

Next meeting and AGM

The next Brighton and Mid-Sussex NUJ branch meeting will be at 7.30pm on Thursday 14 April in the upstairs room of the Earth and Stars (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Earth-and-Stars/132353693470534). We will be holding our AGM, so if anyone would like to volunteer for any of the officer roles, this is the time to do it. The roles are: secretary, treasurer, chairman, welfare officer and student officer.

After the meeting there will be a talk by Joanne Mallon. Joanne is a freelance journalist and specialist career coach for people in media – her website is at www.MediaLifeCoach.com. She also runs the women in media networking group MediaWomenUK www.MediaWomenUK.com and can be found tweeting @joannemallon and blogging at http://joannemallon.typepad.com/joanne_the_coach/.

Joanne will be talking about negotiating rates, and how we can all get paid more for the work we do. She'll be looking at why talking cash is so tough, even for experienced professionals, and giving practical tips you can use the next time someone asks: "What are your rates?"

Joanne's talks have been extremely popular in the past so please turn up early if you don't want to be disappointed. Non-members are welcome, although they will be asked to donate a bit of change to the NUJ charity, NUJ Extra (http://www.nujextra.org.uk/).

We will also be discussing the summer party and the NUJ annual delegate meeting.

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